Monday, May 22, 2017

Vase Fairy

Imagine a fairy hiding, or even living in a decorative vase. What fun if it could be true!
I first decided on the color I wanted my fabric, then I chose all the rest of the colors to go with it.
Decide what color you'd like your fabric to be in this picture, and go from there. I particularly liked leaving a lighter glow around the fairy. Instead of hiding her, I've showcased her, since she's right out on display anyway. There are many different tacks you can take in your coloring and still feel like your picture is a success.

Get this "Magical Fairies & Flowers" coloring book from and color to your heart's desire. Just click on the book to the left of the screen and it will take you to Amazon.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Violin Fairy

I used classic reds and greens in this picture, with touches of blue and yellow, and left the lilies of the valley white for contrast. You could still use greens for background and make the roses your own favorite color. See what fun you can have!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Rose Fairy

This is one of my favorite pictures to color. It can be done in so many different ways. I wish I had put my fairy in blues and yellows instead of blues and purples.  Enjoy shading the roses and choosing fun colors.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Pumpkin Fairy

I made my pumpkin orange-red in this picture, so I could use plain orange inside and create a difference in tone. I could have put my little fairy in some shade of orange as well, but I chose to let her hide in blue among the leaves. You could make the blue flowers bright pink if you wanted them to pop out more--or change all the colors together. What about a purple pumpkin and orange sky? See what you can come up with.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Tiger & Lilies

Since I've already shown the king of the jungle, I needed to feature the dramatic tiger with both day lilies and calla lilies. I used bright flower and jungle colors. Do your own thing and see if you can create a new jungle setting.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Lion Bouquet

I tell my students that I have only one rule: BE NEAT!  Coloring takes a lot of time, and whether the finished product is just as you like the colors or not, if you did a neat job, it won't have been a waste of time. I don't think you can go wrong in this picture if you just do neat work and pick a good color that transitions your lion into the flower stems. Put on a cozy movie, kick your feet up, and color away.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Jewel Box Ballerina and Fairy

This is a busy picture to color. For that reason, I tried to stick to colors that harmonize well, and yet offer some contrast. Enjoy coloring your version!